Google Adsense Account Free Without any Website or Any Domain.
By this trick you get your google adsense account within 12 hours without having any domain and website.And after its approve you put ads on on your blog and website.Its 100% Genuine.I will guide you step by step.
First of all go to
Now signup here.Its free.
And fill it with your name,email and password .
After you create account go your email inbox and verify Flixya account and you have create your account.
After that login Flixya and Click "Publish"
It will open like that:
And now the main thing is come:
1.You must post 5 blogs(Articles) related to any topic its doesn't matter.Warning not copied from google.But if you copey it from google you should changed a little bit in article.
2.After that you post 5 videos or 5 photos any one.But Blog(Articles Must Five).
And the job done.As you post 5 blogs and 5 photos or videos a Tab will appear autometically.Like This
When you click "Create a Google Adsense Account" a adsense registration account will open fill it your name and address.In this registraion account it will not asked from you a website it create your account without website and also approve under 12 hours and it is 100% genuine and not banned any way.After it approval you can put ads on any blog or website which you want and earn.
How It Happens.
Because Flixya is a google partner website.when you post or upload 10 things (in which 5 articles are must) it gives you adsense account free of cost.;;;